Speaking Engagements & Training on Meditation, Sound Vibrational Healing, or Other Metaphysical Topics
Group or private training is available for a variety of metaphysical topics to include meditation, sound vibrational healing, the soul's journey, consciousness, and more. If you are looking for a speaker for your next event, call or email for a consultation.
Per Hour
Sound Vibrational Healing with Reiki
$75 / Vibrational Sound Healing utilizes different instruments to create powerful vibration and frequencies. The vibrations of the sound healing instruments cause the energy in the body to entrain, promoting health and well-being. The ambient tones of the sound instruments create relaxation and a deep meditative state.
60 Minutes
Guided Meditation for Groups
$150 / Guided meditation sessions are available upon request for groups. Sessions are approximately 1-hour in duration. Guided meditations are great for reducing stress, controlling anxiety, and enhancing self-awareness. Call or email for a consultation.
30 - 60 Minutes
Chakra Balancing with Tuning Forks
$75/ Tuning forks are used to restore energy from our lifetime of emotional wounds that are vibrationally encoded like blueprints throughout the body, down to the cellular level. Specific frequencies are used for each chakra and auric layer, which creates a movement of expansion and contraction helping to restore prana, our life force energy. Clients relax to meditation music or can choose from a variety of Guided Meditations.
60 minutes